60 Good Night Prayers For a Peaceful Sleep

Discover one of the best collection of soothing night time prayers designed to promote serenity, dispel worries, and guide you into a peaceful and relaxing sleep. Ideal for anyone seeking spiritual solace at the end of the day with a heart of gratitude that's filled with hope.

Bedtime prayer can be a meaningful way to spend time with God every evening. You can discuss your day with him, share your worries, and express your gratitude for His love and support. Good night prayers provide a wonderful chance to turn our minds and attention to God as we wind down the day.

Nothing is more rejuvenating than a quiet night’s sleep following a demanding and exhausting workday. A good night’s prayer for restful sleep invites the protection of God, calms the anxious mind, and ushers in a peaceful slumber.

When you pray at night before you go to sleep, you have the opportunity to reflect on your day, recognize all the positive things that occurred, and give thanks to God for His support and blessings. Thus, good night prayers provide an opportunity for introspection and appreciation.

Praying can help us feel at ease and secure because it gives us the opportunity to relinquish our worries and fears to God and rely on Him for support as we go to sleep.

Best Night Prayers to Say at Bedtime

Incorporating powerful bedtime prayers to our routines can also aid in our ability to unwind, comfort us, and also gain a more peaceful, faith-filled perspective.

This collection of uplifting bedtime prayers, both traditional and modern, includes some powerful good-night prayers for protection. Before going to bed in the evening, use these for prayer.

Never forget that connecting with God and becoming closer to Him are more important than the words you say.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for guiding me through this long day. As I lay my head down to rest, I pray for Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Like a comforting blanket, may it wrap around me, dispelling the residues of today’s hustle and bustle.

Good Night Prayers For a Peaceful Sleep

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, watch and guard me through the night, and wake me with the morning light.

Good Night Prayers for Bedtime and Peaceful Sleep

Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings sleep to my eyes, slumber to my eyelids. May it be Your will, Lord my God and God of my ancestors, that I lie down in peace and that I arise in peace. Let my sleep be undisturbed by troubling thoughts, bad dreams, and wicked schemes. May I have a night of tranquil slumber. May I awaken to the light of a new day, that my eyes may behold the splendor of Your light. Praised are You, Lord whose glory gives light to the entire world.

– Bedtime Shema
Good Bedtime Prayers for Peaceful Sleep and Rest

I retreat to You, heavenly Father, as the end of my day draws near. My day was not easy–they rarely are. But I take comfort in looking back at my day and recognizing Your presence beside me. Thank You for always being near to me. Guide me tonight and in my day tomorrow. I pray in thanksgiving for the gift of peace only You provide me. Amen.

Good Night Prayers to Sleep Peacefully

In the stillness of this night, we turn to You, O God, seeking comfort and guidance. May Your presence fill our hearts with tranquility and your love illuminate our dreams. Amen.

Good Night Prayers For a Peaceful Sleep

Lord, I invite Your presence upon my sleep tonight. Please guide my dreams, just as a sailor carefully navigates his ship in the vast ocean. Protect me from nightmares and disturbances, as a shepherd guards his flock tirelessly. Help me to awaken refreshed and renewed, ready to embrace the dawn’s blessings with open arms.

With my pillow by my head, I thank You Lord, life-giving Bread. My mind and body come to rest, be with me, Lord, my special Guest. It’s time for sleep, this time of night–thank you, Lord, who gives me light. I close my eyes until tomorrow. With you, dear God, I know no sorrow!

For When We Need His Graciousness

Father, we thank thee for the night, and for the pleasant morning light. For rest and food and loving care, and all that makes the day so fair. Help us to do the things we should, to be to others kind and good. In all we do, in work or play, to grow more loving every day.

– Rebecca Weston (1890)

Night Prayer for Protection

Father God, Watch over me and my loved ones as we sleep. Surround our home with your protective presence. Guard us from harm, both seen and unseen, and grant us a sense of security. May your angels encamp around us, ensuring that we rest in safety. Thank you for your constant vigilance. Amen.

Prayer Before Sleep

Dear God, as I prepare for sleep, please release the tension in my body and calm the restlessness of my mind. Help me to let go of any thoughts that cause worry or confusion. I trust that you will hold me and all of my problems in your strong and loving arms. As I sleep, please let your Spirit speak to my mind and heart, so that when I wake up in the morning, I will have received guidance, strength, peace, and forgiveness. May I find light for my way, strength for my tasks, peace for my worries, and forgiveness for my sins. Amen.

Lighten our darkness

Lighten our darkness, we beseech you, O Lord; and by your great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night: for the love of your only Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

– Book of Common Prayer

Goodnight Prayer for Blessings

Dear God, as I prepare to sleep, I thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for my family, my friends, my home, my job, and all the good things in my life. I am grateful for the ways in which you have provided for me and cared for me. As I lay down to rest, I ask for your continued blessings upon my life. Please bless me with good health, happiness, and peace of mind. Bless me with opportunities to use my talents and skills to make a positive difference in the world. Bless me with the courage to face challenges and the wisdom to make good choices. Amen.

A Night Prayer of Thanksgiving

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers. Thank you for the beautiful day you gave me. Thank you for this precious time at night when I can connect with you, my loving Father. When I was overwhelmed by sins, you forgave me. You have blessed me and brought me near to You. You have filled my life with good things and given me hope and joy. You created this magnificent world and sustain it by Your power. Thank you for providing all that I need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Deliver us, deliver us Oh Yahweh, hear our cry and gather us beneath your wings tonight.

– Andrew Peterson

Short Night Prayers

Lord, as the night descends, wrap Your protective arms around us. Grant us peaceful rest and watch over us through the darkness. Amen.

We Need Help Easing Our Minds

Dear God, as I lay me down to sleep, relax the tension of my body; calm the restlessness of my mind; still the thoughts which worry and perplex me. Help me to rest myself and all my problems in your strong and loving arms. Let your Spirit speak to my mind and heart while I am asleep, so that, when I wake up in the morning, I may find that I have received in the night-time, light for my way; strength for my tasks; peace for my worries; forgiveness for my sins. Grant me sleep tonight, and tomorrow power to live.

Best Night Prayers and Quotes for Peaceful Sleep

For Sweet Dreams and Renewed Strength

Loving Father, I lay my head down to sleep, grateful for the day that has passed. As I enter into dreams, may they be sweet and filled with your comforting presence. Renew my strength and grant me the energy I need for tomorrow’s challenges. Thank you for your love and guidance. Amen.

Good Night Time Prayers to Fall Asleep

A Prayer for Trust in God’s Plan

Lord, I lay down in my bed full of hope for tomorrow because you alone, O Lord, sustain me. Although life is full of challenges, I choose to believe and trust in you. I surrender all of me to you tonight, and I choose to rest in the warmth of your embrace, knowing that you are an ever-present help in time of need. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Best Night Prayers to Sleep Peacefully

For the Hope of Tomorrow

Now, I lay me down to rest, I thank the Lord; my life is blessed. I have my family and my home and freedom, should I choose to roam. My days are filled with skies of blue, my nights are filled with sweet dreams, too. I’ve no reason to beg or plead. I have been given all I need. Beneath the subtle moonlit glow I thank the Lord, so He will know how grateful I am for my life in times of glory and of strife.The times of glory give me hope, the times of strife teach me to cope. Thus, I am much stronger in turn, yet grounded, still, with much to learn. Now, I lay me down to rest. I thank the Lord; I’ve passed the test of yet another day on earth, grateful for its abundant worth. This day has been a special dream from morning ‘til the last moonbeam. Yet, should the coming dawn bring sorrow, I’ll rise, thankful I’ve reached tomorrow.

– Jill Eisnaugle
Good Bedtime Prayers A Peaceful Night’s Sleep

A Prayer to Keep Me While I Sleep

I am placing my soul and my body in your sanctuary this night, O God, in your sanctuary, O Jesus Christ, in your sanctuary, O Spirit of perfect truth, the Three who would defend my cause, nor turn their backs on me. Father, who is kind and just, Son, who overcame death, Holy Spirit of power, keep me this night from harm, the Three who would justify me, keep me this night and always.

– Carmina Gadelica
Powerful Night Prayers For a Goodnight Sleep

Family Bedtime Prayer

Dear God, as we gather together as a family at the end of this day, we come to you in prayer. Thank you for the love and blessings that you have bestowed upon us. We are grateful for the time we have spent together and for the memories, we have created. As we prepare for sleep, we ask for your protection and guidance. Watch over us and keep us safe through the night. Help us to rest peacefully, so that we may wake up refreshed and ready for a new day. We pray for each member of our family. Bless us with good health, happiness, and success. Amen.

A Prayer of Gratitude

Heavenly Father, my day is drawing to an end, and I’m ready to turn in. But before I do, I have to thank you for your faithfulness today. It’s always a good day, even when things may not go the way I plan, or when the world seems in chaos because you are in control.For all the times when I was aware of your help today, all the times when your unseen presence seemed so near, thank you, God. But for all the ways you worked behind the scenes, unknown to me, moments when heaven-sent angels moved on my behalf in ways I’ll never know, thank you for those also, Lord. Amen.

– Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Blessed are you, O God, who dwells even in darkness and who restores your creation with the gift of rest. Deliver your people from the troubles of the night, and let your peacefulness and grace be upon each place.

– Jan L. Richardson

God, hold us and renew us and show us our foolishness, the destructive ways we do not want to acknowledge, the clear-eyed freedom we’d know if we’d just relinquish whatever we hold with our iron grip. Teach us that we need not fear. Show us how to live whole and free and joyful. We’ve proven absolutely incapable of doing any of this on our own. I’m going to try to sleep now, again. I trust that the world will keep breathing, the stars keep twinkling, the crickets keep chirping, that the three I love in this house remain under your care, that this world I love, and all my sisters and brothers, rests under your care. Amen. Goodnight.

– Winn Collier

A Night Prayer for Peace and Protection

Lord, as the night unfolds and darkness surrounds us, we turn to You for peace and protection. Shelter us under Your loving embrace, guarding us from all harm and fear. Grant us restful sleep, knowing that You are our constant guardian through the night. May Your presence fill our hearts with tranquility and your light dispel all darkness. Amen.

Night prayer to God

Holy Spirit, sleep is a reminder that I am totally and completely dependent upon You. I don’t have infinite strength. I cannot keep working indefinitely. I need sleep to refresh me. As I drift off to sleep, it’s a clear reminder that I am not in control. I need You to sustain me through the night, and I need You to sustain me through my life. Please give me the grace of sleep. Give me the grace of strength. Allow me to wake refreshed in the morning. I depend on You, my good and gracious Father. I trust You to sustain me and to wake me with fresh energy for a new day in the morning. Amen.

Goodnight prayer for family

Dear Lord, watch over my family as they sleep tonight. May You guide and protect them all through their journeys in life. Even the shortest journey will be of peace for You. I pray that the night is peaceful and calm for them. May they never experience any form of stormy gale throughout their lifetime. Enjoy your night’s rest, dear one. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

O Lord, defend us from all dangers and also from the fear of them tonight. Grant us grace, not only to rest our bodies, but to have spiritual repose, in soul and conscience, in your grace and love, so we might be comforted and eased in all ways. And since no day passes that I do not sin in so many ways, please bury all my offenses in your mercy, that I might not lose your presence. Forgive me for Jesus’s sake. Finally, grant us grace always to live in such a state that we may never be afraid to die; so that, living and dying, we may be yours, through the merits and satisfaction of your Son Christ Jesus, in whose name we offer up these our imperfect prayers. Amen.

– Tim Keller

Blessing of Forgiveness and Renewal

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and shortcomings, and I ask for your forgiveness and cleansing. As I lay down to rest, I seek your renewal and strength. May your redeeming love wash over me, and may I wake up with a heart ready to follow your path. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Blessing of Surrender

Jesus, my Savior, I surrender this day into your hands. I release my worries and cares to you and trust in your divine plan. As I sleep, may your presence fill my dreams, bringing comfort and hope. May your will be done in my life. In your precious name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Anxious Thoughts

O Lord, I have been anxious the whole day, and to be honest, my heart is still troubled. Lord, I do not want to go to bed feeling this way. Your word says we should not be anxious, but in prayer and supplications, we should make our requests known to you. I place everything that is making me anxious at your feet and choose to rest in your love tonight. Cover me with your arms of love all through the night and grant me sleep. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Good Prayers at Night for Peaceful Evening and Bedtime

Grant me safe rest

O Lord God, grant that my body may so rest during this night that my mind would not cease to be awake to you. May I not, in the meantime, forget you. May I remember your goodness and grace. Keep me pure no less in mind than in body, and safe from all dangers, that my sleep itself may turn to the glory of your name. And in the same way that all things are now covered by night’s darkness, so let everything that is sinful in me lie buried in your mercy. Hear me, O God, Father and Preserver, through Jesus Christ your Son, amen.

– John Calvin
Good Prayers for Night Time to Say at Bedtime

Night Prayer

Almighty God, radiant with light, cast your goodness to shine upon me. Most wonderful Lord, creator of all things, hold your truth to shield me. Majestic King who reigns over all, slay with great love all the shadows around me. Prince of Peace, glorius and true, lift your arms of strength to cover me all this night through. Amen.

Best Night Prayers and Quotes for Peaceful Sleep

For When You’re Feeling Grateful

Father, thank you for today, for all the ways in which I have known you. For the sunrise and the birdsong, for the music I’ve heard, and the things I’ve enjoyed. For the meals, and for the cozy home I live in, for my close family and for my special friends. Most of all, thank you for being beside me through each moment. May I dream good dreams and arise again tomorrow to thank you once more. Amen.

Good Night Time Prayers to Fall Asleep

A Prayer for Loved Ones

Heavenly Father, please hold these I love as they sleep. Bless them with peace that surpasses understanding, sow in them hope that can not be put out, grow in them dreams and visions for their future and protect them with your unconditional love. Amen.

Best Night Prayers to Sleep Peacefully

Evening Prayer

In this evening hour of my day, O Lord, I turn to you in this brief moment of peace. As the day winds down, I give You thanks and ask for Your blessing on me and my loved ones. Grant us peace in the balance of this day and all our days. Amen.

An Evening Prayer for Forgiveness

God, have mercy on me. I come before you tonight with a humble heart as I lay my head down for sleep. I am sorry I sinned against you and did what is evil in Your sight. In Your unfailing love and great compassion, please wash away my sin. I know that you are the only One who can save me from my guilt and make me clean. Create in me a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. Restore to me the joy of your salvation. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Night Prayer

Father, as I lie down for sleep tonight, wash over me with the warmth of Your love. In Your mercy, soothe my pain, whether in my body, mind or soul. Grant me a restful night of sleep so that when I awake, I’m strengthened to do Your will. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Dear God, as the day draws to a close, I come to you in prayer. Thank you for the gift of this day and for all the blessings you have given me. Thank you for your love and guidance, which sustain me always. As I reflect on the events of the day, I ask for your forgiveness for any mistakes I may have made, any hurt I may have caused, and any opportunities I may have missed to do good. Help me to learn from my experiences and to do better tomorrow. As I prepare for the night, I ask for your protection and guidance. Watch over me and my loved ones as we sleep, and keep us safe from harm. Guide us through the night with your light and love. Amen.

Teach me, O God, to entrust all my cares to Thee and constantly remember Thy mercy, so that my soul may enjoy spiritual rest. Let not my sleep be excessive, but let it serve to renew my strength so that I may be more ready to serve Thee. May it please Thee also to keep me pure in body and in spirit, preserving me from all temptations and all danger, so that my very sleep may contribute to the glory of Thy name.

– John Calvin

For Guidance

I thank Thee, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray Thee to keep me this day also from sin and all evil, that all my doings and life may please Thee. For into Thy hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Thy holy angel be with me, that the Wicked Foe may have no power over me. Amen.

– Martin Luther

Dear Lord, creator or night and day, as I prepare to rest and sleep in the quiet of this night, I seek the comfort of Your love and care. Help me to remember that no matter how difficult today was for me or how worried I am about tomorrow, you are with me – guiding and protecting me. May I feel the embrace of Your grace as You heal the pains that afflict my body, quiet the worry within my mind, keep my eyes open to your blessings, and soothe the unrest in my soul. Grant me peaceful sleep, free from the troubles of this world, so that I wake up rested and refreshed with strength. May I awaken with a heart renewed, filled with gratitude and readiness to walk in the light of Your perfect plan for my life. Amen.

A Prayer for Peaceful Sleep and Rest

Heavenly Father, I pray that you grant me peaceful sleep and rest tonight. May my mind be calm and my body be relaxed, so I can wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. Help me release any worries or anxieties that may be keeping me awake. Amen.

A Nighttime Prayer for Peace

Dear God, As I lay down to rest, I seek your peace and tranquility. Please calm my mind and comfort my heart. May your presence surround me like a warm and gentle embrace. Grant me a restful night’s sleep, free from worry and fear, so that I may awaken refreshed and ready to face a new day. In your loving care, I find my security. Amen.

A Powerful Night Prayer for Protection

Jesus, tender shepherd, hear me. Bless this little lamb tonight.Through the darkness be down near me, keep me safe till morning light.

– Mary Duncan

Powerful Night Prayer for God’s Love and Strength

Dear God, in the quiet of this night, we seek the strength of Your boundless love. As we lay our burdens before You, infuse our spirits with Your unwavering grace and fortitude. Let Your love be a shield around us, guiding us through the darkness with unwavering faith. Grant us the courage to face tomorrow with renewed vigor, knowing that Your strength sustains us through every trial. In Your divine love, we find solace and courage. Amen.

Powerful Night Prayers For a Goodnight Sleep

Sleeping Prayer

Dear God, as I lay down to sleep, I come to you in prayer. Please calm my mind and ease any anxieties or worries that I may be feeling. Help me to let go of the events of the day and any concerns about tomorrow. Please bless me with peaceful and restful sleep. Let my body and mind be refreshed and restored during the night, so that I may wake up feeling energized and ready for a new day. I pray for your protection during the night. Please watch over me and keep me safe from harm. Protect me from any negative or harmful energies, and shield me from any disturbing dreams or thoughts. Amen.

Best Night Prayers to Sleep Peacefully

A Peaceful Prayer for Protection

O Lord our God, keep us in peace during this night and at all times. Keep our hearts and thoughts secure in holy reverence for you, so that we may be protected at all times from the snares of the enemy. And let us offer blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

– Armenian Prayer
Good Night Prayers For a Peaceful Sleep

Prayer For A Good Night’s Sleep

Grant me a good night’s sleep tonight, God, so that I can awake refreshed and ready to begin another day loving you. Thank you again for blessings so undeserved and too numerous to count. I love being your child, and I long for the word faithful to describe my service to you, each day of every year. When I awake in the morning, may it be with a joyful smile, not a grumpy spirit. May your protection and your presence bathe this place with peace and safety against the enemy. Good night, Lord. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

– Rebecca Barlow Jordan
Good Bedtime Prayers For a Peaceful Night’s Sleep

For Those Unrestful Nights

Dear Father in Heaven, here, safe with you, I drink in your peace. Help me to sift through the many experiences, feelings and thoughts I have encountered today. I allow myself to rest, to wind down and to be still. Help me to surrender all I am to you, my fatigue, my concerns, my hopes and fears. As I sleep tonight, I choose to hold your hand. I choose to live with you. I choose to believe, I choose to trust, I choose you always. Amen.

– Julie Palmer
Good Bedtime Prayers for Peaceful Sleep and Rest

A Bedtime Prayer to Trust God

Heavenly Father, as I prepare to rest my weary body and mind, I surrender all my worries and fears into Your loving hands. Grant me the strength to trust in Your divine plan for my life, knowing that Your wisdom exceeds my understanding. May Your presence envelop me in peace, guiding me through the night with unwavering faith. Amen.

As we close our eyes in sleep, Lord, we surrender our worries and fears into Your caring hands. Grant us restful sleep and awaken us refreshed to greet the new day. Amen.

A Prayer For Sweet Sleep

Heavenly Father, who gives rest to His children – will You wash over me a peace that passes all understanding as I lay down to sleep tonight? I ask that You would ease the load of the burdens I am carrying. My desire is to be an effective mother, wife, and friend and I know my attitude, energy level, and spiritual life will not be sufficient to do this if I don’t have the deep spiritual rest You long to give me. Be merciful, O Lord, and give sweet sleep to Your child. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

– Lysa TerKeurst

Blessing of Gratitude

Lord Jesus, I thank you for this day and for the countless blessings you have bestowed upon me. As I lay down to sleep, I express my gratitude for your love and guidance. May I rest in the knowledge of your presence and wake up with a heart full of thanksgiving. In your name, I pray. Amen.

For a Good Night’s Sleep

Dear God, as I prepare to sleep, I ask for your help in getting a good night’s rest. Please calm my mind and ease any anxieties or worries that I may be feeling. Help me to let go of the events of the day and any concerns about tomorrow. Please bless me with peaceful and restful sleep. Let my body and mind be refreshed and restored during the night, so that I may wake up feeling energized and ready for a new day. I pray for your protection during the night. Please watch over me and keep me safe from harm. Amen.

Bedtime Prayer For Comfort

Dear Lord, In the quiet of this night, I bring my sorrows and burdens before you. Wrap me in your comforting embrace and dry my tears. Grant me the strength to find solace in your love, knowing that you are always with me, even in my darkest hours. May your presence bring me the peace that surpasses all understanding. Amen.

O Lord God—who has given man the night for rest, as you have created the day in which he may employ himself in labor—grant, I pray, that my body may so rest during this night that my mind cease not to be awake to you, nor my heart faint or be overcome with torpor, preventing it from adhering steadfastly to the love of you.

– John Calvin

Evening Prayer For True Rest

Dear Lord, break me of the need to be busy pursuing a sense of self-worth. Make me secure in who You are and who You’ve made me to be, and as a result, teach me what it means to truly rest. Help me catch my breath. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

– Max Lucado

A Prayer for Forgiveness

Merciful God, as I reflect on this day before I lay down to rest, I confess my sinfulness. I ask for your forgiveness and the cleansing power of your grace. Have mercy on me, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. In Jesus’ name, I humbly pray. Amen.

Good Night Prayer

Dear God, as I prepare to sleep, I offer my gratitude for the blessings you have bestowed upon me today. Thank you for the gift of life, for the love of family and friends, for the roof over my head, and the food on my table. As I lay down to rest, I ask for your protection throughout the night. Keep me safe from harm and danger, and shield me from any negative or harmful energies. I pray for peaceful and restful sleep, so that I may wake up refreshed and energized to face a new day. I also ask for your forgiveness for any shortcomings or mistakes I may have made today. Help me to learn from them and do better tomorrow. Amen.

A Prayer for Protection

Heavenly Father, I entrust myself to your loving care tonight. Surround me with your angels, guard my mind from anxious thoughts, and shield me from any harm. May your peace be my fortress as I sleep under the shadow of your wings. Amen.

Blessing for Peace and Protection

Dear Heavenly Father, as I close my eyes to rest, I place my trust in you and the loving sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. Please grant me the peace that surpasses understanding and watch over me through the night. Keep me safe from harm and fill my dreams with your grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Praying For A Peaceful Night’s Sleep

Oh Heavenly Father, as I lay my head down to sleep, I ask for your comfort and strength. Ease my mind. Help me to let everything go, and leave it all in your hands. Give me peace that I may sleep without tossing and turning. Encamp your angels around me, that no harm will come to me or my household. I cover each and every member of my household in the blood of Jesus.